"The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement" Response to the Article example

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"The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement" Response to the Article

The reading deals with social media and narcissism of people who use it. In particular, it goes about Instagram and its users posting their selfies. The author descants upon the reasons of this mass phenomenon, and on how such narcissism-boosting activity affects people from psychological point of view. The main idea of the article is to draw attention to growing narcissism among people who post hundreds of their selfies in social media.

The author also discusses the trend of posting selfies and presents this issue from different viewpoints. He gives examples of related works and research pieces by some psychologists.I agree that narcissism and using social media for that purpose are closely interconnected, as Jean Twenge stated (Twenge 116-117). It is like moving in circle: a person, who is potentially a narcissist, seeks for appreciation and posts his or her selfies on Instagram or any other social network, then the Likes of other users lead to higher narcissism of the photos author, and the story repeats in a span. As for me, any activity should have measures, i.e. one should know where to stop. For example, posting several pictures of yourself from time to time is surely ok, but when one posts dozens of selfies every couple of days it is, I think, in the best case, a sign that the person lacks attention and thus is trying to attract it. In the worst case, it is a person with narcissistic personality disorder. In my view, initially, narcissists cannot perceive themselves adequately.

Earlier, when there were no social media, narcissists were to some extend latent, because in real life uncovered narcissism is not really encouraged and narcissists didn’t get the feedback they’d wanted. However, now, as they have access to the global network, their chances to get appreciation are higher which encourages them to post new selfies and thus boost their narcissism.In conclusion, I would suggest using social media purposefully and to be careful with your “Likes”. Before pressing that button one should think if it really worth liking and what exactly makes you like it. It can reduce the number of unjustified “Likes”.

Works Cited

Twenge, Jean M., and W. Keith Campbell. The narcissism epidemic: Living in the age of entitlement. Simon and Schuster, …

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