The Potential Threats Of Climate Change On Coastal Areas example

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The Potential Threats Of Climate Change On Coastal Areas


What is climate change? 3

Coastal areas of the UK 4

Threats to coastal areas 4

Coastal Habitats and Coastal Communities 6

Impact of Climate Change 7

Adaptation as a Measure to Mitigate the Risks 9

References 10

The Potential Threats Of Climate Change On Coastal Areas

In this essay the detailed analysis of climate changes on coastal areas of the UK will be done and the types of measures that can mitigate the risks will be discussed. Coastal regions of the UK might be seriously influenced by climate change later on. Some of them are already encountering extraordinary tempests or surges and the impacts of ocean level ascent and erosion. Environmental change will posture dangers and difficulties for individuals, coastal economies and nearby industry. It might likewise influence access to, and nature of, essential merchandise and ventures.

What is climate change?

In recent years, the Earth's climate has changed considerably. Some countries suffer from heat waves, while others complain of too harsh and snowy winters, unusual for those places. Climate change is not a simple temperature increase. The term global climate change has a much broader meaning, as it means a restructuring of all ecosystems on the planet. It should be noted, that global warming is just one of inevitable consequences of the global climate change. According to observations, the global sea level gradually rises, glaciers and permafrost are melting, precipitation is less evenly distributed and the flow regime of the rivers changed. There is no longer any doubt about the danger of global climate change. The negative effects of climate change are already noticeable. According to meteorological observations (Hansen et al., 2010), over the last century the average temperature on the planet has increased by 0.75 degrees, and even more so - its growth rate is constantly increasing (, 2016). In addition, there are other global changes, which are closely related to climate instability. In particular, they results in increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, and distribution of potentially dangerous infectious diseases. The global climate change does not only threaten the stable existence of ecosystems and the global economy, but is also dangerous to the life and health of mankind.

Coastal areas of the UK

Coastal regions can be harshly affected due to climate change if short and long term measures will not be put in place to mitigate the risks. Some of them are already suffering from extreme storms, floods or coastal erosion. It may become a serious problem for the UK, as the coastal line is 17,381 km long and around 30 million citizens live close to the UK’s coast areas (, 2016). Moreover, the coast is the center of important commercial, ecological and communal activities. Specific significant nature reserves and habitats are situated on the coast. Climate change is going to become an extra problem for coastal regions because they are already suffering from key social and economic problems. It …

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