What Causes the Most Impact on a Client’s Health and Well-Being? example

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What Causes the Most Impact on a Client’s Health and Well-Being?

Many experts agree that the foundations for the 21st century medicine need to be changed (Jones, 2010; Orchard et al., 2005; White-Chu et al., 2009). White-Chu et al (2009) attribute the need for these changes to the shift in health care philosophy from an overemphasis on safety and uniformity towards resident-directed, consumer-driven health promotion and quality of life. While emphasizing the importance of health promotion, experts point out to the ethics of the process (Carter et al., 2011). Sticking to ethical principles has recently become the subject of scrutiny (Limentani, 1999; Gabel, 2011). It is not surprising as the adherence to the basic ethical principles reinforces national health by increasing the effectiveness of health care delivery (Gabel, 2011).In spite of a fairly simple relationship, ethical principles are often violated in health care promotion. The confirmation of this assertion arises from the analysis of marketing initiatives adopted by big pharma and fast food industries. Although both stakeholders declare care about their customers, their actions speak to the contrary.

To substantiate the discussion, this paper approaches the significance of ethics in marketing goods and services that are directly related to health promotion. Special attention is paid to the definition of marketing ethics and identification of its principles. Based on the analysis of big pharma and fast food industry, the paper suggests recommendations to reinforce the ethics of marketing promotion. The objective of the assessment is to prove that adherence to ethical principles in marketing of goods and services that are related to health care promotion reinforces a company’s business success through increasing customers’ loyalty.Principles of Marketing EthicsConrad (2005) suggests that the pharmaceutical industry has long been involved in promoting its products. Similar statement applies to most companies whose goods and services are related to health promotion. It though would be wrong to assert that this promotion has always been effective. Very often, there is a discrepancy between the declared and real state of affairs. This discrepancy encourages researchers to approach marketing ethics and consider the introduction of frameworks that will facilitate it.

Experts seek to define marketing ethics, as it is an important step towards reinforcing business effectiveness. According to Vitell (1986), marketing ethics can be described as “an inquiry into the nature and grounds of moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct relating to marketing decisions and marketing situations” (n page). The definition presented by Dobrota (1999) suggests that marketing ethics “constitutes an ensemble of moral rules and regulations with respect to agents’ behavior in the economic activity (in business) and, together with laws principles and regulations, ensure the good course of activities and the success in business” (p. 205).Upon closer consideration, it is evident that none of these definitions suggests an account of principles involved in marketing ethics. To address this deficiency, experts at The Society of Health Education & Health Promotion (2009) offer a framework for ethical promotion of health-related goods and services. …

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