A Quantitative Study Research in Healthcare example

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A Quantitative Study Research in Healthcare

The given quantitative study titled “Care Quality and Implementation of the "Chronic Care Model” is structured the way any usual quantitative study would be: it consists of an introductory part (comprehension), a methodical part (comparison), a result-presenting part (analysis), and a concluding part (evaluation).


In this part, the authors of the study establish the problem that demands a solution and formulate the research question – “a defined question or hypothesis that is tested using data collected from a sample that represents a larger population” – that is going to be answered by the end of the study (Cruz & Koch, 2015, p. 12). In this case, it gives an introduction to the topic, defines the Chronic Care Model, and sets a backdrop, against which the study is conducted. The problem discussed is the lack of complete examples of the CCM implementation as well as the lack of immediately visible ways to improve the care practices in question. This part is essential to the study as it basically defines the overall theme of it, summarizing the idea of the research and informing the reader of what he or she is about to discover, i.e. what kinds of problems and difficulties the change processes can face. The last sentences of the comprehension part convey the goal that the researchers set for this study.


This part introduces the data that has been collected previously and sets it against the new information that has been acquired recently. The researchers review the information, compare it, and document the result for the later stages of the study. The information in question is administrative data used to assess the changes in the quality of care for patients suffering from coronary heart disease, diabetes, and depression. This part relies heavily on introducing new evidence. The researchers support their research question with the existing findings and facts and accentuate the differences between what has already been known and what has been discovered during the course of the study. By emphasizing the differences between the known facts and the new-found evidence, the comparison part lays the groundwork for explaining the results of the study to the reader (Creswell, 2014, p. 23). This part is the most mathematical one as it demonstrates the statistics. It also features a lot of references to other studies dedicated to the same (or similar) topic(s).


The analysis part of this study concentrates on the review of the results and basically summarizes “the mass of data that has been collected” and presents “the results in a way that communicates the most important findings or features” (“Analysing Quantitative Data,” 2017, p. 76). The results of the previous stage’s data comparison are documented in the form of several tables. Their purpose is to be discussed and evaluated. Thanks to the tables, the analysis part is the most graphic part of this study.


The final part of the study deals with the assessment of the acquired results and concludes the study, …

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