I am a specialist dealing with abortions. Actually, I prefer to use the term termination. The pregnancy can be ended either by taking medication or by having a medical intervention, depending on the term of the pregnancy. An abortion is similar to miscarriage when the pregnancy ends naturally or is lost. Consequently, I think termination is a normal medical practice and women should be free to decide on it. Women have various reasons to resort to pregnancy termination.
It can be health risk to the mother. In this case, I think, life and health of a woman should be considered in the first place. Another reason is genetic or physical abnormality of the fetus. Such abnormality may not only call forth enormous challenge mother may not be ready to, but be also of a kind that causes baby’s death immediately after the birth. In the latter case termination is not only possible, but also advisable. There can be personal circumstances, too. Of course, as any other medical procedure, abortion can pose some risks. Risks associated with termination are hemorrhage, damage to the cervix and damage to the womb, though the lever of their occurrence is rather low. Moreover, when it is carried out early in the pregnancy (preferably during first 12 weeks), possible risks are minimal. It is important to note that having an abortion usually does not affect future pregnancies of the woman and her ability to become a mother.
In conclusion, I think that considering pregnancy termination medical issues should be in first place. Specialists should consult the woman on the procedure and possible risks of abortion, as well as consult her on the risks of keeping a pregnancy or giving a birth when there are otherwise medical indexes. In any case, I believe it is a woman who should make a decision. AbortionI am a mother. This is probably the word that defines me the most and brings sense to my life. I do believe that being a mother is the highest degree of women realization and I feel pity for all unborn children and all mothers who abandoned their gift and privilege to give a birth to a new being. I think termination should be allowed only up to the 12th week and only due to medical indexes. In other cases, abortion should be banned as such so that woman will have to be more conscious concerning pregnancy. Abortion poses many risks. It can damage the woman’s health and affect her ability to become a mother at all. There are numerous stories about women who got scared of their sudden pregnancy, who felt incapable and not ready, women, who would later give up everything just not to have done that terrible mistake. Getting rid of your own flesh and blood baby, who is developing inside of you, cannot leave women’s mental state unaffected.
Women, as well as men, are to be aware of consequences. I do not suggest that …