Age Simulation Activities Reflection example

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Age Simulation Activities Reflection

As a young adult it has never really occurred to me what it could possibly feel like to be an older adult up until recently when I attended an age simulation workshop. The age simulation workshop enabled me to experience the sensory challenges faced by aging adults daily. This was achieved through numerous tactics that impaired my sense of smell, taste, touch and vision. I went from being a young and healthy adult to old and feeble.

The most profound sensory impairment to me was the loss of sight which was imitated by special glasses. I went from having exceptional eyesight to blurry vision and could hardly read anything without squinting or experiencing eyestrain. Everything I saw was doubled and I could hardly recognize objects that were previously familiar to me. I was totally dependent and this was extremely scary. I found it particularly shocking that older patients with altered vision are sometimes unable to recognize their loved one. This I would say surpassed my experience with touch impairment.

By the end of the age simulation activities I had tapped into all sensory impairments and thus walk away from the experience more aware of the challenges older patients face daily. It is thus important that health practitioners accommodate the individual needs of older patients by showing empathy and by adjusting our consulting room environment accordingly.

This can be achieved by removing background noise and adjusting the tone and speed of your voice when dealing with older patients with hearing difficulties. Or by choosing to use room with good lighting and using black text on a white background instead of shiny/glossy paper to accommodate patients with altered vision (Macarelli C., 2017).

Older adult patients endure several challenges. Thus it is essential to offer assistance and guidance as necessary to make their clinical experience bearable (Macarelli C., 2017).


Macarelli C., (2017). Oral health considerations for older …

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