Child Abuse example

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Child Abuse

The articles dwell upon the issue of child abuse stating that unlike popular beliefs child abuse is not always about violence and physical pain. Child abuse might also happen in a form of emotional abuse or neglect. Emotional abuse being one of the most common forms of child abuse negatively influence child social and cognitive development. It might not be followed by physical or sexual abuse, but becomes an inalienable part of the two. Emotionally abused children might find it difficult to socialize displaying the signs of fear, discomfort and even depression (

Physical abuse might be the consequence of the purposeful attempt to hurt the child, but might also be the side effect of the severe discipline at home.

Purposeful physical abuse differs from the physical discipline in a way that physical abuse is unpredictable whereas the abuser lashes out of anger and uses fear to gain control over child’s behavior (Smith and Segal, 2015). Gender is not the risk factor for the physical abuse as boys and girls are equally likely to be physically injured and beaten by their parents. Child physical abuse has the long-lasting effect on individual’s development. Thus, adults who were exposed to physical abuse in childhood are especially likely to demonstrate either aggressive behavior or avoidant one (

Sexual abuse can be defined as the forced engagement of a minor by an adult into the sexual act or exposition of a child to inappropriate sexual behavior or material. It is the most complicated type of abuse because it implants the feeling of shame and guilt as the additional obstacle for disclosing it. Sexually abused children might feel themselves responsible for what happened that negatively affects their mental and cognitive state(Faller, 2007).The topic is rather complicated and might be difficult to explain to the premature audience. At the same time it is vital children are aware of the issue so that they know how to react and are able to recognize and report the cases of child abuse (Brown, 2014).

First of all, the strategy would focus on creating the environment of support and trust. The information provided can be divided into the four groups: preparing for everyday life, identifying and responding to the potential danger, preventing and stopping the case of abuse, looking for help. Children might be introduced to the topic with the help of the books ‘ Daddy, Daddy, Be There’ written by Candy Dawson Boyd & Floyd Cooper and ‘The Dragon & the Mouse’ written by Stephen Timm. The books fit the age of 3-10 and 4-11 responsively, therefore, might be used to teach children of preschool and early school years. They provide the insight into the topic using allegories and metaphors (Timm, 2012) as well as providing the example of how the family relationships should look like (Boyd& Cooper, 1995). It is important to keep children engaged in the plot of a story and to …

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