Choosing a Society example

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Choosing a Society

If I had to choose between growing up in a hunting and gathering society, a horticultural society, a pastoral society, or an early industrial society, I would choose the last one to live in. The development of my identity would be influenced by the increasing role of the technological innovations in people’s lives. The material aspects of my life would be considerably different, however, the changes in my personality and character would not be so significant.

During the time period of early industrialization, I would be a part of labor class and live in a city, because there are more opportunities then in a countryside: better education, more jobs, and more things to do. I would have a simple job in an office or a factory job that would take about 12 hours of my time every day. After my work shift, I would have some free time left for coming back home, eating dinner, spending time with a family, reading a newspaper and going to sleep. Materially, my life would be close to today: I would have the most essential things, a place to live and decent food. My income would fully cover all my expenses, moreover, I would have a little money left to spend for entertainment.

Psychological part of my life would not be completely different. Having to work hard every day and spending so much time for it would be difficult for my mental condition. Living in such a rough reality, being busy all day long and having almost no time for rest, I would sometimes think about how complicated the life is. I would think about the same domestic things that appear to be a part of the daily routine. Also unpleasant to realize would be the fact, that even living in a city and being a part of labor class does not provide an opportunity for the career growth. However, my way of thinking and perception of the reality would also be different, so I would accept it, take daily routine as a matter of course.

Growing up in early industrial society would definitely affect the way of developing of my character and personality. In fact, I would be a completely different person. First of all, all of the challenges of this time period would be a usual thing for me. Being raised in the rough conditions of the labor class, I would regard hard work as something I suppose to deal with without any difficulties. If other members of the society can, why cannot I? I would possess a combination of character traits needed to handle a complicated situation. Of course, my personality would be different from today, however, some parts of my identity would not change. In any situation, no matter how hard it is, very important to keep calm and be self-confident, not to give up and always stay who you are. My aspiration for self-development and better life would not disappear even if I were raised in another type …

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