Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Obesity example

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Obesity


Obesity due to a significant increase and continuous development around the world has become of the main problems for vast amounts of people. Leading to other problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and as a result of chronic kidney diseases (CKD), obesity has the potential to cripple the life of a person. An early diagnose, detection of the disease is bound to decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality due to issues connected to the kidneys. Numerous experiments have been made by such scholars as Michael E. Hall et al. (2014), Kopple and Feroze (2011), Cueto-Manzano, Martínez-Ramírez, and Cortés-Sanabria (2010), where the problem with the renal system has one common major source – obesity. Unfortunately, the only way people are mainly trying to fight it is in the hospital lying on a surgical table. However, the above scholars have all mentioned a change of lifestyle and potentially diets to be able to change the situation. Although, the latter has not been fully proven yet.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Obesity

Obesity is currently one of the major health problems worldwide because of the huge number of diseases associated with increased body weight, hypertension, diabetes and as a result chronic kidney disease. Over the years, scholars have been able to determine more conclusive data proving the role of obesity as a predisposing factor in the development of kidney disease. According to Michael E. Hall et al. (2014), obese people run the risk of kidney damage by 40% higher than that of normal-weight individuals. The largest contribution, so to speak, to the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD), is made by diabetes with an accounted share of up 50% and hypertension (25-30%), the number of cases of which is, unfortunately, growing.

Joining hypertension contributes to the progression of the disease with the development of chronic renal failure. Therefore, early detection of disease and weight control, blood pressure and levels of hyperglycemia, maintaining proper lifestyle and new approaches to the treatment of the disease can lead to a reduction in the risk of a high frequency of morbidity and mortality from kidney-related diseases like obesity and diabetes.

The various experiments and studies provided data that proves obesity to be the main factor leading to CKD development. Nonetheless, spurring on other diseases such as diabetes, hypertension seems to be working on a principle of a snowball. According to Kopple and Feroze (2011), people suffering from obesity tend to develop albuminuria, which speeds up the process of total renal failure. Thus it is the factor of obesity which performs the role of a trigger in the almost irreversible changes to the intrarenal system, leading to natriuresis, impairment of the renalpressure, hypertension, and kidney dysfunction.Besides, the increase in visceral adiposity leads to a physical compression of the kidneys due to the activation of the RAAS and SNS systems, followed by changes to the hemodynamics and sodium excretion impairment.

In terms of treatment or the implication for nursing practices doctors besides a …

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