Communications Matrix Project Template example

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Communications Matrix Project Template

Communication type







Kickoff Meeting

Introduce the project and the project team. Identify project objectives.



Project Manager

Project team

CEO, CFO, head of marketing department of Company A

Powerpoint Presentation, Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Project Team Meetings

Check status of the project with the team members.


Conference call with event-organizer company


Project Manager

Project Team

Distanced – Event-organizer company


Project Schedule

Project Status Reports

Report the status of the project: progress, activities, issues, costs.



Project Manager

CFO, head of marketing department of Company A


Project Schedule

Meeting Minutes

Risk Management Plan

This project is considered a medium risk project. The top three risks:

- not adhering to the budget;

- the possibility to receive services in low quality-high cost ratio;

- poor organization of the sport activities and other activities related to the topic of the event.

Risk identification was carried out in the internal meeting of the project team. Special attention was addressed to the issue of limited budget and the necessity to find credible event-organizer company. A project manager is responsible for evaluating the risk during each stage of the project to mitigate the possible challenges timely. Time, cost and scope are the constraints that are identified for the risks managing and controlling. A Risk Register should be maintained, with the ranking of top priority risks and less possible risks. Each team member should report about the challenges faced in order to react to the potential risks at early stages of project …

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