Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution example

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Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution

Understanding one's strengths are the foundational platform for developing as a complete leader (Jordan & Troth, 2014). My strengths are responsibility, consistency, and restorative. Consequently, I can use these strengths to develop my emotional intelligence in a variety of ways. For instance, I can improve my emotional intelligence by taking the responsibility of researching on key attributes of leadership intelligence. In addition to that, I can also assume the duty of improving on my problem-solving skills as well as critical thinking. Apart from that, I can also improve my emotional intelligence by being consistent in learning different attributes that could add value to my leadership skills. More importantly, I could use my consistency ability to ensure that I am on the right course in building my emotional intelligence. Should there be a setback, I could use my restorative strengths to restore important emotional intelligence values that could make me a better leader (Jordan & Troth, 2014).

Far from that, I could also utilize my strengths to build my conflict resolution skills. For instance, I could improve my conflict resolution skills by taking the responsibility of being at the forefront in resolving disputes (Jordan & Troth, 2014). Additionally, I could also improve on my conflict resolution skills by bearing the obligation of conducting further research about some of the approaches that could be used to resolve conflicts. By assuming the duty of encouraging others to avoid unnecessary disagreements, I will be standing the high chances of improving my overall conflict resolution skills. Apart from that, I could also improve my conflict resolution skills by being consistent in my engagement in finding solutions to disputes of different natures. It is also possible that by being consistent in researching on conflict resolution approaches such as arbitration, I could become a better leader with important problem-solving skills. Furthermore, I could also improve my conflict resolution skills by choosing to be at the forefront in the restoration of peace amongst conflicting parties (Jordan & Troth, 2014).


Jordan, P. J., & Troth, A. C. (2014). Managing emotions during team problem solving: Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Human performance, 17(2), …

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