Healthcare and Nursing Learning Policy Plan
Policy making and politics are an important aspect of nursing. These ensure that the needs of practicing nurses are catered for. However, there is not much information available for students interested in policy making and politics. I am a keen follower of policies implemented to better the lives of nurses. In this article, I have identified the issues I feel have not been properly addressed by policy makers. I explored the methods which I will use to approach a mentor who will guide me through the requirements of a policy maker for nurses. I have also expressed how I intend to bring about these policy and political changes through different activities. This is a brief overview of the learning process involved for a student aspiring to make a change in how policies and politics for nurses are run. It is my plan to identify the most important aspects of the learning process.
Nurses face a lot of challenges while at work. These problems prevent them from working comfortably and lead to medical errors. Nurses are inadequately represented in policy making and health politics. Due to this, most nurses have limited platforms on which to voice their concerns (Cohen, 2014). I believe that the issues regarding the nurse’s well-being should be addressed and changes made where necessary. I aim to create policy and political change for nurses who are overworked and underpaid. This paper is a detailed plan of how I am to learn about making policy and political changes in the field of nursing.
As a student nurse I have discovered that nurses are exposed to occupational hazards such as exposure to bloodborne pathogens, cold and flu germs, contact dermatitis, and workplace violence. However, these nurses are overworked and underpaid (Cherry, 2016). This can be attributed to the fact that most hospitals are understaffed in terms of nursing professionals.
To achieve my goal, I plan to improve my oral and presentation skills. Communication is an important aspect in convincing people that there is a problem which requires a solution (Yoder-Wise, 2014). I am researching more on the issues that affect nurses and their possible solutions. I will improve my social communication skills by joining a public speaking class.
In addition, I have joined LinkedIn where I am hoping to meet like-minded individuals. In this platform, I will identify and select individuals I feel are best suited to mentor me through policy and politics in the nursing field. I have also subscribed to the American Journal of Nursing where I hope to find a mentor. I would like someone who is actively involved in nursing politics, and one who holds an influential position either in the government, major hospital or a well-known learning institution.
My strategy for bringing about policy change in nursing matters involves a comprehensive program that brings together nurses from all over the country. In …