Employability Skills: A Reflective Log Book example

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Employability Skills: A Reflective Log Book

2.2. In the workplace, employees use a large number of styles and types of communication. Communication can be generally divided into four types: written, verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication. Written communication is often the most formal one as it used for formal purposes, including formal requests, reports applications, evaluations, and other types of documentation. In the restaurant business, employees who do not hold managerial positions rarely use written communication. Conversely, the work of managers often largely consists of this type of communication, especially formal one. However, written communication can also be informal, particularly when it involves informal emails, training materials, and internal memos.

Workers in the dining industry more often use verbal communication. They apply it working with clients, as well as interacting between each other. In these cases, verbal communication is usually informal. Yet, it is used for formal purposes, such as official meetings and individual communication between low-level employees and managers, who hold higher offices. Visual communication, which involves visual information, such as different signs or presentation, is used less regularly. However, it still remains an important part of communication in the restaurant industry, used mostly by high-ranking employees. In turn, non-verbal communication, i.e. movements, gestures, tone voice, and other means of interaction, is applied in every workplace as well. All the described types of communication are widely used in business in general and in the restaurant industry in particular and are extremely important to ensure successful communication within the team, which is discussed below. In order to achieve all the goals required by the workplace, employees should use all the communicational types when they are relevant successfully combining them.

2.3. Time management plays an extremely significant role in the work process as it helps to improve it significantly. Development of time planning leads to increasing of work productivity, which helps to conduct more work for the same period. Moreover, proper time management improves both psychological and physical condition of a person and enhances his self-esteem (Chapman and Rupured, 2008). Thus, it is vitally important for me to implement numerous time management strategies in order to accomplish my personal and professional goals better. In my personal life, I use several time management strategies:

Setting the list of priorities. In order to accomplish all the goals I have set, I practice sorting my tasks by their priority. I try to balance my job and my study and pay equal attention to both work tasks and HND tasks. Thus, it is always important to emphasise the task which is the most important as multi-tasking negatively influences productivity (Chapman and Rupured, 2008).

Time planning and work scheduling. This strategy is directly linked to the previous one as sticking to the list of priorities demands careful time planning and scheduling one’s time. In order to avoid multi-tasking, I try to allocate certain time for every work task and do them in time.

Avoiding procrastination. Every person faces with procrastination to some extent, and it has an extremely negative …

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