Experiential Learning Write-up example

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Experimental Learning Write-Up

There are experiences in our life that influence our whole future. Due to them, we change ourselves for the better and make difference in the world. They help us to find the right path in life, as well as teach us to value the most important things. My involvement in the Intensive English Program as a learning assistant is considered to be the most valuable experience I have ever had.

My motivation to work as a learning assistant in a commutation class for level 4 was motivated by my big desire to help people. I know how difficult it is to learn English as a second language being far away from home, as I was just like they some years ago. Therefore, I could understand the feelings of these people much better than others. That is why I expected my assistance to be really helpful to the society.

I started my first working week from introducing myself and getting acquainted with the students. It was very important for me to know everyone in person so that I could develop the most appropriate approach to each student. This should have helped me to organize work in the most efficient way. The students felt my sincere care and appreciated my decision to build close relationship with them. This has helped to achieve better results.

During the second week, we worked on the project called The Shine Project. I really enjoyed it as I had a great opportunity to communicate with refugees. The aim of this project was to teach refugees to speak English, and I was happy to contribute to their progress in learning a foreign language. We played games together, practiced writing/listening/speaking skills, and learned from each other new interesting things. Such an experience was very enjoyable and useful.

My third week of working as an assistant turned out to be especially memorable. It was the time when we had a trip from 9 am till 2 pm to the place called Bougs. This place impressed students by lots of snow. Everyone could choose the activity he liked most such as skiing, ice-skating, or playing hockey. We spent a funny time together sharing positive emotions and impressions. I was grateful to the organizers of the program for such a nice event which made all the participants a one big family.

The fourth week of the project aimed at teaching the students the foundations of creating a presentation. I provided them with all the necessary information and instructions. I wanted my students to succeed in making a good presentation as this was a completely new thing for them. Therefore, I decided to do as much as possible to make the students really interested in the topic. It was a great pleasure to see their astonishing results afterwards.

The fifth week was my last time there. I thanked all the students for such …

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