Gun Control Laws example

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Gun Control Laws

There are a number of reasons, for which government should increase control on guns. However, these reasons are weak and not always logical. The first counterargument to the issue of not increasing gun control is high crime rates in the USA. Tougher control on weapons would not lower these rates, because as a rule, everything that is forbidden causes interest among people who are ready to commit crimes. If such people prepared to do something that goes beyond the laws, they could hardly be stopped by tough control on weapons-bearing. Furthermore, the level of violence and cruelty of criminals who use guns would not be reduced with enhancing gun control. On the contrary, people who do not commit crimes would be afraid of strict rules concerning weapons-bearing and new unclear regulations in this sphere. Therefore, a decision to control guns more effectively would not have any positive effects in society.

A necessity to register weapons by individuals and organizations cannot be regarded as one of the reasons for making gun control stricter, since every individual and every institution is obliged to do so nowadays without any additional regulations. Apart from this, people commit crimes not only using unregistered weapons, but with registered guns as well. More than that, crimes with the use of guns can involve victims in both cases, despite of the status of a gun. Eventually, there is no connection between the list of registered guns and enhancing control on them. It seems that the process of verification of the list of registered weapons in the USA is dome in some way. In other words, there is enough control on weapons that allows concluding that increasing gun control would not actually influence the process of registration of weapons. Hence, this argument is weak and does not work.

Strengthening control on guns is also often connected with high popularity of weapons. On the one hand, guns are really promoted in a number of ways, including films, pictures, various video clips, and advertisements. At the same time, sex, smoking, spirits, and many-many things are promoted in the same way, but the government does not impose stricter regulation rules on these issues. Even if there were some measures of enhanced control on some of these questions, people would not stop dealing with them. In this light, de-publicizing of weapons could have the reverse effect. To be more precise, to have a gun would be even cooler and more prestigious because of its potential forbiddance. In its turn, this could give rise to the increase in uncontrolled weapons-bearing. As a result, the popularity of guns could only increase in that case. Therefore, it is dangerous to increase control on weapons.

People that believe in the necessity of enhancing gun control state that it is predetermined by the fact that weapons are among the most dangerous things in the world. Basically, they are correct; however, there are considerable doubts …

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