Healthcare Case Study Patient Treatment Reflection
Teaching patient / family: The patients condition required Cardiac Catheterization. However, the patient refused to undergo the procedure. My goal was to explain the patient and the family about the disease process an explain why the procedure was necessary. For patient teaching strategies I chose watching a video about the procedure and its necessity (Bratianu, 2016). Together with the patient, I watched the video about this procedure in order the patient understood the necessity of Cardiac Catheterization. Another aspect of teaching was connected with medication side effects. So, I had to teach the patient about taking Heparin drip. In order to teach the patient, I suggested reading materials (including instructions and online articles) on this medication precisely (Bratianu, 2016). After reading, I explained things that were not clear for the patient. The purpose of the teachings provided to the patient was to avoid unusual bleeding or bruising.
Reflection of previously stated goals: almost all the goals restated in journal one were met during my preceptorship, except one. The only goal I could not accomplish was IV insertions. I succeed with 2 new IV insertions and need one more.
Reflection of Preceptorship Experiences: the preceptorship at Keiser is my last RN program. The preceptorship brought extremely valuable experiences for me in many terms. During the preceptorship I received new skills and improved those that I already had. I learned that patient education is very important factor in his/her treatment process. I educated patients and family members for disease process, medication, and procedures. I learned how to educate the patient in order to receive most effective results. I learned to perform and document a complete shift physical assessment. I anticipated reading the doctor’s notes in order to find out the needs of my patient and where to place emphasis in care process. I also learned two new IV insertions. In general, I enjoyed my preceptorship, it was quite successful and helped me improve prior skills and acquire new ones.
Bratianu, P. (2016). 5 Tips for Providing Effective Patient Education. Retrieved from …