Healthcare Coding Systems example

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Healthcare Coding Systems

1. Video “Introduction to ICD-10 Coding” explains the gist of this system and states why it is applied in the health care sphere.
2. The article “Coding Standards: What’s the difference between ICD, CPT, LOINC and SNOMED CT?” provides the brief and accurate explanation of the healthcare systems, and states what differences exist between the, In
one paragraph only, the work reveals the essence and most significant features of the coding systems;
3. The video “HL7 ADT Messages The Basics” describes the ADT patient administration messages provided by HL7 system;
4. The video “How does HL7 work?” discusses thee HL7 connects the ADT and ORM, and how it efficiently affects the treatment process. This system boosts the possibility of successful outcome of the treatment process, as both patient and healthcare provider obtain timely and essential data.

1. SHOMED and ICD-10 interact, as the first system records the clinical data and ID-10 focuses on diagnosis. Together they interrelate and form positive target outcome. Both systems simplify the professional life
of healthcare employees, as they make the data more accessible.
2. FHIR was initially introduced as an improved version of messaging standards introduced by HL7 system. The latter is generally applied for the successful exchange of the medical data. FHIR complements the HL7 system.

The FHIR interface software is thee framework, initially developed out of the existing HL7 system. It creates multiple advantages for the healthcare sphere. First of all, this software is marked by extreme simplicity and adherence. Second benefit of this system is its usefulness. It provides the fast representation of the data about the patient, his adverse reactions, disease history, etc. Moreover, taking into account its positive sides, there exists a great possibility of its application by the American national healthcare programs and wide popularization.

Works Cited
“Coding Standards: What’s the difference between ICD, CPT, LOINC and SNOMED CT?”, MediTouch.
Accessed 30 Nov. 2016.
“HL7 ADT Messages The Basics”, uploaded by Corepoint Health, 14 Oct. 2014,
“Introduction to ICD-10 Coding”, uploaded by CMSHHSgov, 17 Feb. 2015,
“How does HL7 work?”, uploaded by iNTERFACEWARE, 19 Dec. 2009,
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