Interdisciplinary Research Mini-portfolio example

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Interdisciplinary Research Mini-Portfolio

Regarding the Interdisciplinary Research, it is possible to define certain artifacts that have a significant role in further development of personality and mine as a professional. Fistful, the most important feature is an ability to organize the work of the group and to conclude the work.

This fact indicates the high understanding of the whole process and ability of a person to influence the work of other people. This artifact can be considered as a specific type of management and important component of the
work of the group. In addition, these organization skills can be useful in applying in another field of activity.
Another artifact shows the changes that I came through the classes.

The matter of fact is that I understood that sharing my thoughts with other people I could learn new information. Firstly, I had not talked much and had been shy but then the situation changed. In addition, the Google doc
was studied on the lessons that brought the ability to the whole group to work at home and improve the process of mind exchange. Objectively it has a positive influence on the further career and interaction inside society. At
first, skills of using Google doc are certainly will be used in my further professional activity. Moreover, it is a good instrument for the exchange of people’s minds. In addition, Google doc helps to avoid the fear of expression of your minds and personal opinion. The learning of accepting a different point of views development my worldview and teaches me to look at the same problem from different sides. Work in the groups develops communication skills of all students and this aspect extends people’s perceptions and improves social …

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