Interview Paper example

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Interview Paper

A place of work is a certain environment with a kind of stress. People get used to rules, previously unknown people, company's regulations, and sometimes traditions. The organization has expectations from its employees. Nowadays, the role of the management culture and the culture of employees interaction has increased. In order to improve the relationships within the company or to increase the success of the business, additional requirements to the employees can be introduced. That is why the professional ethics has remained the valuable part of the working process.

Recently, I interviewed Christiana Wagner, Manager Supervisor in SoundCloud company. It was a very interesting and challenging conversation. Throughout the interview we discussed the significant ethical issues. I asked Christiana Wagner about the circumstances under what, in her opinion, the chain-of-command should be broken to report that something is wrong. She shared the personal experience that was related to cheating on a company's policy. One of the employees, was using his position in SoundCloud to promote himself as an artist. Despite of the fact, that it was harmless, at some point, but it was breaking the rules. After finding out, Ms. Wagner had to report to the authorities on this person to make her conscience clear. It was a proof of her loyalty to the company's regulations and an affirmation of her morality. As a conclusion, it is obvious that her deed was a demonstration of a deontological ethics. It is based on rules of behavior, as a conception of personal duty.

Also Ms. Wagner highlighted the importance of understanding the consequences of dating people at work. In her practice, she observed the problem of two of her colleagues dating each other. It surely influenced their cooperation and led to their interaction on mutual tasks, but after their separation, it caused the tension within the working group. Hence, Ms. Wagner gave an advice to the people at work to be more consistent in their choices, to evaluate all personal and professional risks, and make sure that personal issues will not jeopardize their career. Therefore, people also have to be patient, respectful, and tolerant.

Christiana Wagner mentioned that the company pays a lot of attention to the employees, their safety and health. Apart of medical insurance, they also provide the in-office masseur, to help people who work behind the computer to prevent the possible back, neck, or other illnesses. As a Manager Supervisor, Ms. Wagner promotes the morality within her team, she puts human values and life principles above the personal ambitions. When I asked, how the company had evaluated applicants to assess their integrity, Ms. Wagner said that she also had a chance to interview some of the applicants. Of course, no one will tell that they can forge documents and spread the confidential information, so the process of interviewing the potential employees has to consist of moral tests and questions. She said that it is important to pay attention to the manners of …

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