Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society example

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Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society

Sooner or later we all face the problem of racism that can be often met in the form of the institutional racism. Reflecting upon my experience as a learner, I cannot say that our teachers have ever paid significant attention to the discussion and proclamation of the diversity. It cannot be said that they have ever been inclined to discrimination as well. However, their chosen strategy of color-blindness appeared to have negative outcomes for the atmosphere at the classroom.I have never seen my teachers using the multiethnic curriculum, multiethnic approach.

At the same time, every time any racially or ethnically based problem emerged in the classroom, the teachers were quick to announce their disapproval of the behavior of the classmates. It seemed to me at that time that avoiding the discussion they also avoid the very problem, whereas the feeling of guilt and extreme embarrassment was externalized on me and my fellow classmates. I dare assume that the teachers I had though belonging to the different ethnic communities were actually not confident enough to talk about the issues of racism as if they were afraid to sound incorrect or to offend any of the students. At the same time, I am not sure about the reaction of the students in case they were made to participate in a discussion on the issues of racism and discrimination.

As long as I remember the ability and encouragement to work in the small diverse groups performing some group tasks at the lessons helped us to reach mutual understanding. Working with other students, I realized that there are no cultural, social or ethnic barriers that can distort communication in case one is open to it and preserves the positive mind.Having read the chapter, I have received the clear insight not only into the methods of educating, but also developed my vision towards the reasons lying behind the institutional racism. The problems identified in the chapter concern both the approach to teaching, to handling the issues of racism and discrimination and the difficulties of evaluating students’ knowledge level. Also, the chapter has fully convinced me that the teacher performs an important role in the formation of the vision of his/her students on diversity. To be able to successfully handle with institutional racism, the teacher has to be confident and knowledgeable enough.

For example, some preparatory courses might be useful. As a teacher I realize that closing eyes to the problem is not a real solution, but the sign of incompetence and ignorance that is likely to cause serious problems in the future.Personally for me the important idea I find worth implementing is the multiethnic curriculum (Gollnick and Chinn 66).

I find the multiethnic curriculum to be not only tolerant and diverse, but also the perspective solution of raising students’ interests in the material presented at the class through the application of anthropocentric paradigm. As a future teacher I believe that it is …

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