Polar Code And Its Significance
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Polar Code: Main Features
III. Conclusion
Nobody would dispute the fact that the weather conditions on the North and South Poles are incredibly severe. This causes a lot of sophisticated complications for the ships, operating in this harsh environment. The lack of good communication signal, poor navigation and difficult rescue and clean up conditions has led to an urgent need for a unified code. Finally, on the 1st January 2017 ”IMO has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)” (Imo.org, 2017). The following paper will discuss the main regulations of the Polar Code and the changes it has brought to the North and South Pole’s shipping-related concerns.
Polar Code: Main Features
The primary goal of the Polar Code is to ensure the ship’s and crew’s safety.
First, the Polar Code regulates the certification of the ship category, intending to enter the Pole waters. 3 categories have been identified: A, B, C. Each category highlights the age of ice, the ship can encounter. This should exclude the cases of small ships crashes, which do not satisfy the safety-regulations, and should ensure stability in intact conditions.
Second, the Polar Code regulates the training program that the masters, chief masters and officers in charge should attend to operate the ship. Operating in ice conditions differs a lot from the basic one, as navigation and weather conditions in the polar areas can be harsh, therefore an additional training should be done to ensure the safety of the team.
Third, Polar Code covers the topic of the on-board equipment. Mandatory safety requirements include “thermal clothing, ice removal equipment, enclosed lifeboats” and the visibility in the poor weather conditions. These changes would certainly make operating in arctic and Antarctic areas more comfortable and safe (Imo.org, 2017).
What is more, the tourism in arctic and Antarctic areas has grown a lot in the recent years. People choose remote and exotic destinations to cruise and sail to. Therefore, chapter 11 in the Polar Code is devoted to voyage planning regulations for the ship team. This ensures the safety of the passengers on board and minimizes the risks for huge ice encountering (Imo.org, 2017).
The second approach of the Polar Code is to protect the pristine environment.
To be more environmentally friendly the Polar Code prohibit the discharge of oil and oil products as well as the use of heavy fuel oil. Ships are no more allowed even to carry heavy oils, as in a crash case it can lead to huge ejections into the ocean. The humankind has already caused a lot of pollution problems even in such remote districts as North and South Poles. If these measures were not taken, in the nearest future it would not only kill the flora and fauna, but also completely spoil the pristine area.