Quality Improvement example

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Quality Improvement


Quality in the general sense refers to freedom from defects. Broadly defined, quality is the development and designing of a product and service that is most economical, most useful and always satisfactory to the clients. Thus, quality improvement refers to the efforts invested in improving patient outcomes, professional development and system performance. Quality improvement in any healthcare set up involves a number of practice issues but in this paper we will solely focus on Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections, (CAUTI). A urinary catheter is a tube inserted into the bladder to drain urine and the process is done through the urethra. Research shows it that over 15-25% of patients who are hospitalized receive urinary catheters during their stay at the hospitals. Also, it integrates the dimensions of quality as defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Additionally, the paper discusses theoretical underpinning of change for the proposed quality initiative, CAUTI. Finally, the paper will look into quality improvement tools that enhance better understanding of CAUTI as a practice issue (Shanley, Wheeler & Wong, 2012).

Background of CAUTI

CAUTI is one of the Healthcare-associated Infections(HAIs). Urinary Tract Infection(UTI) is an infection that involves any of the urinary system such as the bladder, urethra, ureters and kidney. National Healthcare Safety Network reports that UTIs are the most common type of healthcare associated infection. CAUTI is associated with prolonged use of the urinary catheter as its most important risk factor. Hence, catheters should only be used for their most appropriate indications and they should also be removed soon as they are no longer needed (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013)..Quality improvement as outlined by IOM generally encompass six dimensions that a healthcare system needs to fulfill in order to deliver quality care. They include; safe, which demands that safety towards care should be equal both at healthcare facilities as in homes. The second dimension id timely that states that patients should experience no delays when in need of care or service. Thirdly, is efficiency, and this dimension states that both care and service should be free from unwanted waste to facilitate a cost effective system. The fourth dimension id effectiveness that illustrates that the evidence plus science behind healthcare needs to be applied and serve as the standard in the delivery of care. The fifth dimension is called patient-centered which advises that the healthcare system should respect the patient’s preferences and revolve around the patient so as to put the patient in control. The final dimension is equity in dealing with the patients who need to be treated fairly, justly and equally without any discrimination (Weber & Salgado, 2013).

The dimensions explained above need to be fully integrated into the any health care system for effective performance in dealing with patients needs which is the ultimate goal of any qualified health provider. For example, efficiency and timeliness of activities and duties must be perfectly integrated in any healthcare system to help realize the desired goals. That is, when no waits …

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