The Baby Nutrition example

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The Baby Nutrition

Baby nutrition is a leading factor that supports health and a high level of immunological protection of the children. Insufficient supply of certain nutrition ingredients leads to violations of the health of the child, its vulnerability to infectious agents and adverse environmental factors. Children's bodies are different from the adult organism because of the rapidly occurring processes of growth and development, the formation of the structure of many organs and systems, improving their function and high physical activity. The food is the only source from which the baby receives the necessary building material and energy. Proper organization of baby nutrition during the first days of life ensures its harmonious development and has a decisive influence on the development of the brain, the child's intelligence and the functional state of the central nervous system (Grenier & Leduc, 2008).

It is important to remember that breast milk is the perfect kind of food for the baby, despite the fact that the compounding technology for artificial feeding today is on the highest level. The world experience shows, that almost 96-98% of women can feed babies with the breast milk that is the most valuable and irreplaceable food during the first months of life. Breast milk contains, besides nutrients, a lot of biologically active components and protective factors, including enzymes, hormones, vitamins that are critical for the growth and development of the infant (Ballard & Morrow, 2013). Despite the undoubted advantages of mother's milk, in the current environmental and social conditions, more parents are forced to use substitutes for human milk and also as the child grows there is a need to expand its diet with the introduction of complementary feeding. The need for the introduction of complementary foods into the diet of baby`s nutrition for both natural and artificial feeding is recognized by virtually all researchers in the field of child nutrition (Grenier & Leduc, 2008).

Baby nutrition is a very sensitive group of products, which has to be chosen carefully. Immature baby’s organism is very sensitive to poor-quality food, so the most important requirement for this group of products is its safety, which brings them closer to pharmaceuticals products (Brissette, 2016). The baby must get rich in vitamins and trace elements balanced nutrition that fully meets its age physiological needs, so it is especially important to follow the recommendations of professionals who know not only the scheme of rational nutrition of children of different age groups but the whole range of products offered by the market.


Immunization is one of the main mass, efficient and cost-effective means of prevention of infectious diseases. Recent advances in the fields of immunology and vaccinology at the Canadian Center for Vaccinology have given new insight into the mechanisms of immunization associated immunity and have shown the achievements in reducing the incidence of infections. Vaccination in the broadest sense is the creation of artificial immunity to infectious disease or reducing the risk of complications by administering the vaccine (MacDonald, Smith, & Appleton, 2012). For this purpose, …

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