Raving Fans and its Business with Fairies example

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Raving Fans and its Business with Fairies

The authors of raving fans narrate the most simple and what would seem should be common knowledge when it comes to the causes and effects of raving fans. Blanchard and Bowles define raving fans in the context of providing service for a business’ customers. They suggest that, for a business to attain its optimum success, it is important to get rid of the “satisfied customers” mentality and replace it with a much more refreshing and innovative way of providing service for the customers that require business owners to have the “raving fans” mentality. Reading Raving Fans would sure to remind business owners that in the past, it has been evident that there has been a neglect when it comes to acknowledging and addressing of what seem to be a problem now when it comes to the service industry which is that, businesses and most importantly, customers themselves don’t value the relationship that they have or should have with the establishment that they support or go to.

One of the key points that the authors try to teach through the book is that, there needs to be enough focus, drive and vision within the owners of the business and enough care to actually create a personal connection and understanding with the customers; a people to people relationship is what they call it. Dropping the barriers and forming a bond with them results in a much more responsive, appreciative and ultimately, raving fans. The authors point this out by saying that “People expect bad goods and rude service. Give ‘em junk and they’re not surprised. Just what they expected” (10). This proves the point that the bar is so low at this point that it doesn’t really take much anymore to create satisfied customers. Businesses don’t even need to be good at what they do or what they promise to do and provide for the customers.

Creating raving fans however, results in a satisfaction level so high that it may result in people being crazy enough to drive forty miles from their home just to shop at a store even if they have a shop that is closer to their home claiming to provide the same services or even obtaining loyalties not just from customers but from employees as well. It is important to note, however, that raving fans are not solely for the benefit of the customers but most importantly, for the owners of the business as well and I think that that provides us the clue into which situation best describes the effect of raving fans for a business which is a happier and more passionate owner. In the whole book, the pattern that seem to most stand out that created the ripple effect of creating raving fans is the owners of …

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