Scientific Variable example

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Scientific Variable

In the course of a research project, scientists often try to identify a cause and effect relation between certain items, factors or conditions, which constitute certain interest for the scientist. The cause and effect relation is determined with use of experiments. Experiment provides the most sufficient way to identify and prove a certain phenomenon. As argued by James, items, factors or conditions, between which the cause and effect relation is determined during a scientific experiment, are called scientific variables (2015). In the course of a scientific experiment it is possible to determine the predictable outcomes of the cause and effect relationship between certain variables, which constitutes interest, because the predictable patterns of relation between variables can be manipulated for receiving advantage.

What is the Nature of Scientific Variables?

As defined above, variables are the essential elements in an experiment. Thus, the origin of scientific variable is scientific experiment. Variables encompass not only items, factors or conditions that are measured, but also the ones that are manipulated and used for control. Basically, variables are the There are three types of scientific variables. The first one is referred as independent variable. In the course of scientific experiment independent variable does not depend on other factors in the experiment. Independent variable can be defined only by scientists with the purpose to identify its influence on the variable of another type. Consequentially, the other type of variable is called dependent variable. It is the one that is observed and measured in the course of experiment. Whereas independent variable is manipulated by the scientistі, the dependent variable changes in accordance with the independent variable displaying or not displaying any patterns.

There is also the third type of variable used in scientific experiments. It is called control variable, also known as constant variable. This type of variable is represented by any fixed value, which is kept unchanged in the experiment with the purpose to verify whether the dependent variable is changed in accordance with changes of the independent variable or due to any other factors. In the course of scientific experiments scientists can assess multiple control variables to provide the most accurate objectivity and accuracy of the research. In certain types of research, such as descriptive research, variables are not manipulated, but observed in their natural occurrence (, 2015).

Three examples of Scientific Variables

Usually, all three types of variables are used in a scientific experiment. The simplest experiment, which encompasses all the three variables, can be connected with water heating or cooling. In this experiment, the temperature is the independent variable, which can be manipulated by the scientist. The state of aggregation of matter will be the dependent variable in the experiment, which will change in accordance with the change of the temperature. Air pressure will constitute the constant or control variable of the experiment. It will be not changed in the experiment to identify the relations between only the variables of temperature and …

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