Self-Care Deficit by Dorothea E.Orem example

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Self-Care Deficit by Dorothea E.Orem

Many nursing theories have a rich heritage in its development and are based on the work of many nursing researchers of the present and previous decades. There is often a continuing debate about the practical implementation of the nursing theories. A lot of books written about the nursing theories that contain a certain categorization of the theories such as holistic, adaptation, behavioral orientation and about the possible ways of implementation of the theory on nursing clients and on human being-environment interactions (Reed, 2011). Moreover, Smith and Parker (2015) define the nursing theory as a notion or an idea can explain professional experience, interpret observation as well as describe relationships and project outcomes.

The paper will observe the self-care deficit nursing theory by Dorothea E. Orem. A researcher developed a theory that is composed of the three interrelated theories such as the theory of self-care, the self-care deficit theory as well as the theory of nursing systems. Having developed the nursing theory, Orem tried to improve the whole quality of the nursing in the healthcare institutions. The model interrelates with the most important medical concepts in order to create different way of looking at a certain phenomenon. The professionals observe the theory as a relatively simple that can be applied to different types of patients with various problems. In addition, it can be used by assistants and nurses to guide and improve the practice. The first section of the paper will observe the importance of the nursing theory. The second section deals with the application of the selected nursing theory. Finally, the conclusion provides a brief description of the key elements of the whole paper.

Importance of Nursing Theory

Nursing is a professional discipline, focused on the corresponding research of the whole human health and healing through caring. Also, nursing practice is based on the understanding of various medical theories, concepts, principles and research findings. The discipline of nursing has a quite unique focus that directs the inquiry within it, so that to distinguish the theory from many other fields of study. Nursing theories usually are intended to the phenomena of the interest to nursing, human beings and caring as well, in the concept of the nurse-person relationship. Therefore, the nursing theories are the patterns that demonstrate the thinking about being and doing of nursing, where the theorists have to provide a certain structure and substance to ground the practice and scholarship of nursing.

The main aim of nursing theories includes an appropriate development and understanding of the nursing practice, due to the fact that it exists in order to improve the whole medical practice. It is significant to provide the tests for each theory separately, because they can perform the usefulness of a certain theory in the professional healthcare practice. Generally, the theories are important set of instructions for the foundation and development of the nurses practice. The theories provide opportunities to develop and integrate the critical thinking, clinical judgement as well as all appropriate skills in order …

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