Sociology: Human Relationships Studies and LGBT Issues example

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Sociology: Human Relationships Studies and LGBT Issues

The study of human relationships may be a diverse matter that borrows from various beliefs, culture and social circles. Sociology assists us to comprehend how human actions driven by consciousness play a role in shaping social classes in the modern world. The need to analyze and find the importance of the aspects that surround us socially, the world and the community direct us onto the path of investigating the social causes that emanate from different points of life. These aspects may be racial in nature, romantic, gender identity and equality, deviant behavior religious faith, just to mention but a few. On the other hand, a strong emphasis should be observed when gathering and analyzing evidence pertaining to a particular issue which enables us to understand better why it happens in the fundamental social processes. Research methods may vary and range from conducting surveys, observing different social groups and interpreting historical documents. In this paper, we will look at an issue that has gained wider recognition mixed with endless controversies in various social platforms.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)

The issue relating to the different sexual orientation and preference has sparked debate and controversies globally. Some are for the freedom to do what one pleases while some do not advocate for any equality and rights when it comes to same-sex relations. The topic is of greater sociological importance because more and more people are being affected by the sexual preference issue. It is the 21st century where new developments have come about, and as a matter of fact, people have come out declaring their sexual orientation. In some countries like the USA, lesbian and gay marriages are legal. Therefore I believe that it is an issue affecting some sociological balances and perceptions. In the article ‘LGBT Sexuality at the Start of the Twenty-First Century’ the author attests to a rise in literature in same sex marriages and families that are headed by single parents who identify as gay or lesbians.

The article is mainly directed on defining a family by same-sex marriages and relations. They argue that same-sex marriages challenge the conventional conceptions of gender and how different roles are performed in a family scenario. On the other hand, as Lehr argues, marriage should not be entirely based on sexual orientation nor is family. In fact, this aspect should be protected. However, same-sex marriage will always face resistance, whether or not law protects it. In as much as same-sex couples may want to fit in and have the society view them as a family, it is rather a challenge and a point of conflict. From the article ‘Responding to The Regnerus Study’ the author seeks to bring forward the theory he calls ‘no-difference paradigm.' His research is based on relations of same-sex couples and how children blend in such families. The argument is very clear in the sense that children of same-sex couples are at a disadvantage as compared to the children who are raised …

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