Sociology Essay Examples
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All Results (1037)
Master of Arts in Leadership
Master of Arts in Leadership
Leadership is a quality that many do not view as a personal trait. Being a leader is a recipe for improving self-being of a person. Leaders are comm...
3 pages
900 words
Uploaded: 11 November 2015
Sustainability Practices in Hospitality Management
Sustainability in Tourism and Hospitality
Introduction and history of sustainable practices
CO2 emissions from tourism constitute approximately 5% of globa...
8 pages
2400 words
Research Paper
Uploaded: 10 November 2015
Rumspringa and High School/College Modern Life
Rumspringa and High School/College Modern Life
Amish do not believe in baptism as a child; they believe in making an informed decision to become a member of the church. This ope...
3 pages
900 words
Uploaded: 10 November 2015
Case Study Analysis: Goa Hippy Tribe
Case Study Analysis: Goa Hippy Tribe
Towards the objective of applying concepts and ideas learned about online documentaries, the following ca...
5 pages
1500 words
Case study
Uploaded: 10 November 2015
The Construction of National Identity in British Media Coverage of Sport
The Construction of National Identity in British Media Coverage of Sport
Contents Page
I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………
II. Brit...
18 pages
5400 words
Uploaded: 10 November 2015
How and why is the color toning relevant to Nameless’ version of the story in the movie “Hero”?
How and why is the color toning relevant to Nameless’ version of the story in the movie “Hero”?
The movie “Hero” by Zhang Yimou and Christopher Doyle is a tale that narrates the...
1 page
300 words
Uploaded: 08 November 2015
The Slave Experience in British America
The Slave Experience in British America
The pace and direction of development of the British America in 18th and 19th century was irregular du...
6 pages
1800 words
Term paper
Uploaded: 07 November 2015
Mismanaged Layoffs
Mismanaged Layoffs
Summary of the issue: The articles raise the problem of layoffs and issues involved in the process. The authors discuss how companies that downsize or cease o...
3 pages
900 words
Uploaded: 07 November 2015
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