Survey Research Style example

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Survey Research Style

Applied linguistics is a social science that engages other disciplines to establish language-related issues within society. This widened field of education thus encompasses numerous societal problems. This requires the use of research designs that use summative evaluations in order to collect as much data as possible to draw accurate and qualitative results. Such methods include the use of a survey research design. This style is more popular for conducting social research where there are numerous variables that can be researched at a low cost and with easily accessible data. The importance of survey research designs in applied linguistics is the ability to collect large qualitative and quantitative data from large sample sizes such as populations, thus helping the researcher to use a variety of statistical analysis methods.

Examples of research topics that can use surveys in applied linguistics include multilingualism, sociolinguistic variations, communicative competences and attitudes towards bilingualism. The qualitative nature of the data retrieved through surveys suits the aforementioned research interests as it values the underlying cultural differences in a sample size as well as allowing every voice of the participant to be used inter-subjectively in the research.A survey research design is one that gathers data from a specific place within a particular time frame for the purpose of deciphering the nature of an investigated issue. The issue can be compared to conditions of pre-existing issues or used to identify a relationship with pre-existing issues. Survey researches are classifiable based on their area of focus.

They can follow either a census-based or a sample-size focus or time-based researches longitudinal or cross-sectional survey (Cohen et al, 2011). In differentiation, large-scale surveys use census-based while using small sample sizes. Similarly, if there is limited time to conduct the survey, a cross-sectional approach is chosen while if there is ample time, a longitudinal approach is implemented (Riazi, 2016). It is imperative for a researcher in this field to first objectify the role of the survey before determining the best approach to use. These include polls, test scores, preferences and reading surveys.Features of surveys that are important in conducting an applied linguistics research include:For purposes of delivering a cross-sectional analysis, a wide population can be used though a researcher can limit the sample sizeData collection is gathered through multiple choices at the disposal of the researcher.It can be easy to make generalizations and idealize patterns for discussion.Before applying the style of survey in applied linguistics, a research ought to consider the following:Purpose of the research survey- This is defined by the objectives of the research being done. After indicating the objectives, a researcher should determine subsidiary topics relevant to the conduction of the research.The sample population in focus- This helps the researcher to decide on the sampling techniques and resources to be used among the sample population.

Available resources- This underscores the financial costs of the research design. Surveys require intense labor use, especially in field work.

Elements of Survey Research DesignElements are …

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