Swire Properties Executive Summary Report example

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Swire Properties Executive Summary Report

This report was commissioned to examine Swire Properties from different perspectives by analyzing such aspects of the business as profitability and shareholder value. Moreover, the report touches such aspects of Swire Properties as corporate strategies and position on the market. This information helps to explain rises and falls of the company.

The research draws attention to the fact that Swire Properties has such competitive advantages as a strong brand, deep understanding of the business and vast accrued knowledge. The hotel market can be defined as highly unstable. Despite this fact, Swire Properties is able to maintain a stable level of profit as it builds and acquires new hotels constantly. As a result, the market capitalization of Swire Properties reached 150 billion this year. Further investigations reveal that the company finances their projects mostly through equity. This approach helps to ensure a constant increase in total equity through the growing investments contributed by the shareholders. The understanding of this fact makes the process of supporting a high level of satisfaction of shareholders a strategic priority for the company. Being supported by its shareholders, Swire Properties builds long-term plan among which a mix-used development-Brickell City Center, located in the center of Brickell financial district.

The joint ventures and acquisitions of Swire Properties allow the company to maintain a stable position in the market. As a result, Swire Properties has managed to take a niche of luxurious apartments and hotel market in Miami. However, the main problem that the company currently faces is the fact that this niche is overcrowded with competitors. The report considers this threat and concludes that it is important for Swire Properties to concentrate on promotion in order to stay competitive in the long-term. Moreover, Swire is ultimately a foreign player so that an effective promotion of the brand is vitally …

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