The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines Executive Summary example

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The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines Executive Summary

The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines proposes the idea to help combat the homelessness in the City of Dallas. The proposal intends to place residentially challenged persons who have been hurt by the job loss bak into the workforce with the help of a series of seminars and workshops.


Since there are a lot of problems related to obtaining affordable and fair housing, in the last year the number of people in Dallas Country experiencing homelessness has increased 21 percent. Therefore, the purpose of the proposal is to implement successful housing placement strategy through partnering with Union Gospel Mission, a homeless shelter, in orde to create opportunities for homeless people to give them recourses and venues to get the job. The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines has a strong belief that giving them proper tools to get a job will move them out if the deadly cycle of unemployment and homelessness.


The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines would like to provide the homeless with job opportunities and prepare them sufficiently for applying and interviewing with local companies. The target audience is homeless who can work and are drug and alcohol free. Partnership with The Union Gospel Mission will help to reach out this audience as this organization helps over 4,845 people each year.

The proposed plan goes as follows:

• Resume workshop for the homeless to help them gain essential knowledge for obtaining a professional job through resume building will be provided. Southwest Airlines Human Resource employees are going give advice on the types of skills and experiences they look for in resumes. As part of the workshop, there will be the option of printing their resumes.

• An interview training will prepare the homeless for answering classic questions. They will receive helpful tips for the interview process. The volunteers will help to run the event and provide the food.

• For the final workshop, the homeless will be provided with professional outfits and business portfolio. These resources will be both donated and bought new. The project includes taking donations at The Union Gospel Mission thrift store and sort suitable clothing for job interviews.

• The Community Outreach and Volunteerism division at Southwest Airlines will also hold a career fair with several companies that are willing to hire the homeless. As part of the hiring, process companies require a home address. Therefore, local homeless shelters gave permission to use their address. As a result of attending the career fair, there is a hope to see many of the people we are helping receive interviews and ultimately job offers.

Difference in the Community

With donations and volunteers, this will be a low-cost project that will deeply impact our community. Southwest Airlines truly believe that together with the Dallas Chamber of Commerce we can help to transform the lives of …

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