The Social responsibility of Facebook. example

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The Social Responsibility of Facebook


The purpose of social responsibility is always to ensure that companies act for the benefit of the society at large. Social responsibility is especially important when a company deals with a large number of people. One such company is Facebook. It is a social network site with over 1 billion users from different parts of the world and as such it demonstrates its social responsibility policies in different ways.

How Facebook demonstrates Social Responsibility

The first way in which Facebook has demonstrated social responsibility is by the promotion of human rights issues. One way in which this has been done is by developing a program called Suicide Prevention
Outreach (Lunden, 2012). This is a program that is aimed at ensuring that the veterans who retire from the military are prevented from committing suicide by offering a variety of services. In this plan, the families of
the veterans can contact Facebook through its website if at all they have a veteran that needs to be taken care of (Lunden, 2012). Through this, the veterans are safe from suicidal thoughts thus promotion of human rights.
Another way in which Facebook has promoted human rights is by ensuring the privacy of its users (Kissinger, 2017). Registering as a Facebook user requires one to submit personal information which can be damaging if
exposed to the public. Protecting this information protects users from issues such as impersonation.

Secondly, Facebook has demonstrated corporate social responsibility by supporting community outreach programs (Kissinger, 2017). Facebook has majorly focused on communities in underdeveloped or developing countries. Community members that wish to get support from Facebook to promote community outreach programs do so through a site called (Kissinger, 2017). Besides this, Facebook has also promoted the community by supporting education programs which results in students from these programs getting employment in the company.

Thirdly, Facebook has demonstrated corporate social responsibility by promoting the rights of special interest groups such as children and women (Plunkett, 2014). Children are protected on Facebook by limiting some of
the sites that they might visit. For example, they are not allowed to register as Facebook users until they reach a certain age. In cases that parents want to limit the pages that their children can visit, Facebook provides this limitation. On the other hand, women have been protected from issues such as online bullying (Plunkett, 2014). Women are bullied for different reasons such as their body weight, or their inability to retaliate and especially when being bullied by men. Facebook protects these women by taking down posts that are aimed at attacking women and this is a demonstration of social responsibility.

Fourthly, Facebook demonstrates social …

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