U.S. Constitution: Article I example

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U.S. Constitution: Article I


This essay explores the structure of Article I of the Constitution of the United States and things, which are the most surprising and interesting. The main idea of this part is the powers and the limits of the U.S. Congress and how it organizes a legislative power.

Keywords: U.S. Constitution, Article 1, section, house.

To begin with, Article I of U.S. Constitution is devoted to legislative power. It consists of ten sections. The first section resigns all the commissions in the Federal legislative sphere to the United States Congress, including the House of Representatives (Lower house) and the Senate (Upper house). The second and third sections specify the composition, term of power, requirements and method of election of members of Parliament. What is more, the second section of the Article establishes the necessity of realization a population census every ten years. Next section gives the state legislatures the right to determine "time, place, and manner of elections of senators and members of the House of Representatives", and vests the Congress with the right of control over the conduct of elections. The fifth section determines an order of settlement of electoral disputes, the question of quorum and rules of procedure of each house. Then it is a matter of the salaries of congressmen, parliamentary immunity and indemnity. The seventh section gives the House of Representatives the exclusive right to initiate the bills related to the budget, and also describes the process for veto. The eighth section defines the basic powers of the Congress, including the right to impose taxes, borrow loans, regulate business, to make decisions on the realization of emission and to establish law-courts, and others. The ninth section imposes a number of restrictions on the powers of the United States Congress and of the government, including a prohibition of giving the laws retroactive. The last section determines such questions as the ban to states alone to declare a war or to engage in international relations. The most striking features of this Article is, that any disputes about the legitimacy of the mandate of deputy or senator decides the house, which member he is.


The Constitution of the United States. Retrieved from http://constitutionus.com

U.S. Constitution. Article 1. Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from Download Full Essay Show full preview


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