Virtualization Benefits for Cybixx example

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Virtualization Benefits for Cybixx

Slide 1. Today I would like to demonstrate you the benefits of virtualization for our company.

Slide 2. We will discuss a range of questions. First, we will consider potential advantages of investment in virtualization in terms of IT benchmarks. Second, its impact on the annual costs reduction will be estimated. Third, we will compare findings of the Return on Investment Analysis within the framework of virtualization.

Slide 3. This slide provides the evidence of the advanced virtualization benefits in comparison with physical servers or basic virtualization taken from the research conducted by the International Data Corporation (Gillen, Grieser & Perry, 2008). Please, look at Figure 1 and pay attention that virtualization leads to three and four times more users per server and per server administrator correspondingly (Gillen, Grieser & Perry, 2008, p. 4). Figure 2 shows the direct consequence of the data introduced in Figure 1 (Gillen, Grieser & Perry, 2008, p. 5). Following the additional metrics, we can conclude that realizing the server virtualization will noticeably reduce the time for system launching, upgrading or migrating.

Slide 4. The next figures represent data concerning annual costs spent on general server system maintenance (Gillen, Grieser & Perry, 2008, p. 6, 11). As you can see on the slide, in comparison with the unvirtualized infrastructure, virtualization will significantly save costs at all levels, excerpt from the software support. However, it does not influence the total rate of cost-saving analysis while the Total Cost of Ownership falls considerably from an unvirtualized scenario. Therefore, virtualization is favorable for business owing to the standardized configurations, high performance, inducing of the average user density, routine tasks automation, and, of course, cost savings.

Slide 5. Now think of the increased payback and benefits Cybixx will gain by acquiring and using server management tools that work in concert with the underlying hypervisor, operating systems, and application workloads. This can be proved by the displayed calculation of the Return on Investment coefficient conducted for 10 physical and 10 virtual servers. In addition, virtualization will improve system performance, enable its scalability, and increase company’s flexibility that will result in long-term benefits and higher profit.


Chernick, Janet F. (1997). An information technology program evaluation. In Jack J. Phillips (Ed.), Measuring return on investment (Vol. 2, pp. 141-152). American Society for Training and Development.

Gillen Al, Grieser Tom & Perry Randy (2008). Business value of virtualization: realizing the benefits of integrated solutions. International Data Corporation. Retrieved from …

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