What is Autism and its Treatment? example

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What is Autism and its Treatment?


Autism is a disorder in the developing of the nervous system, for which the characteristic of various manifestations, marks the first time in infancy or childhood, and sustainable for the disorder, usually without remission. Usually parents notice signs of the disorder in the first two years of a child’s life. It is essential for the treatments of autism are physiotherapy and occupational treatment. Despite the fact that the early behavioral and cognitive intervention can help a child in acquiring self-help skills, social interactions and communication, currently known methods that can completely cure autism. Some treatments are not proven to be effective. Many of them have shown good results in research. Physiotherapy aims to perform medical procedures and physical
exercises that help autistic better feel the body and control it. The occupational treatment allows patients having chances to be independent and is taught basic skills. The treatment includes educational, behavioral, biomedical and other treatments.

The current paper will research the autism and its treatment..What is Autism and its Treatment?


Autism is a violation of mental development, which is characterized by the speech and motor skills disorders, activities and stereotyped behaviors that makes hard social communication. Usually it can be diagnosed in 2 – 3 years. It should be remembered that the disease never develops in a healthy child after 5 years. The current paper will research the autism and its treatment.


Autism is a disorder that occurs as a result of developmental disorders of the brain and is characterized by severe and comprehensive deficit of social interaction and communication and restricted interests and repetitive actions. All of these symptoms are manifested before the age of three years. Autism may be the result of disintegration processes of a brain development before birth. Autism greatly affects the child’s early development, and the consequences of this influence are usually reflected in a person's life. Medical analysis that can be used to diagnose Autism does not exist. Diagnosis is based on observation of how the child behaves, how to communicate with others.

Depending on the severity of symptoms of autism can be both mild and severe (Fortunato et al., 2007).There are different methods of behavior management. The earlier the therapy is started, the better results it can give. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy targeted to the specific characteristics of the child. Special training corrects the behavior of the child and helps in acquiring different skills.Sometimes there is needed a medical treatment, especially if there is a need to control behavior, in which the patient tend to self-destructive behaviors. Autism treatment means a special diet (Thompson et al., 2011), limiting the intake of foods high in casein and gluten, and the use of drugs and sedatives. Besides, now there are a lot of techniques and
developments aimed at the treatment or correction of …

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