What Must Republicans do to Maintain Control over The Government after the Next Presidential Election?
After any election victory all responsible politicians, political parties, and groups create a twofold plan, which includes the activity aimed at maintaining the existing popularity as well as the actions to secure the winning of the next vote. In most cases, these two parts merge together. Having received the control over the government Republicans obtained an opportunity to keep their influence for the next political term in case they are able to concentrate their efforts in their work. There are at least four main factors, which form the activity that has to be conducted to gain the same or higher people’s support at the next elections. These are the efforts to ingratiate the citizens of those states that traditionally back Democrats, the measures to hold or even increase the sympathy of the residents of those states that keep to Republicans in their political preferences, the steps to secure the international authority of the USA, and the actions to provide the unity of the nation by raising the respect to the Republican domestic policy.
All these need a tight concentration of determined decisions, balanced attitudes, and skillful management in the process of performance political, economic, cultural, social and even military activity. Concerning the first factor that is the effort to gain the voices of the states, the citizens of which have been voting for the Democrats for a long time, it is the most important in the future tries of Republicans to keep the power. These states are called the Blue Wall states (Sullivan, 2015). The best way to get some support there is to borrow the experience from the administration of President Ronald Reagan because his policy was effective enough to take a large amount of voices from behind the Blue Wall. For example, instead of promising certain actions to raise the income of average Americans, Reagan intended to lower federal budget deficit and to ease up the tax pressure, which could bring economic growth nationally (Curry, 2004). In general, to gain the electoral support of the Blue Wall states Republicans will have to represent the program that will combine open conservatism with the radical views of change and general development of the whole nation, which can also ruin the balance of those states that do not show exact preferences, and turn them into Republican supporting states.
To keep the existing level of the support in traditionally Republican states the Party will have to keep existing approach to the political, economic and cultural problems combining it with the message of change. This message must consist of several points, which will include certain political steps to overcome any domestic divisions in the nation. The latest developments connected with the people’s attitude to newly elected President manifest the dangerous level of split inside the US society (“Experts: US Voting,” 2016). If Republicans manage to eliminate this split they will succeed in maintaining their power in many states.
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