What Works in Policing? example

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What Works in Policing?

Policing is also called police force. It’s an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. A lot of questions have become the subject of many research evaluations, policies and pilot programs (McCabe, J. E. 2008). Questions such as what should the police be doing or not be doing to best address crime and disorder, what will increase public satisfaction and enhance perceptions of police legitimacy, are some of the important questions for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to consider. Still the larger question remains: what really works effectively when it comes to policing? I will take you through the police contribution to crime reduction. Lot of strategies are used by the police to curb crime. However, the police are left confused on which tactics to use to handle various criminal situations.

Focusing action on crime, and antisocial behavior hotspots are effective ways to allocate resources for crime reduction (Bayley, D. H. 1998). When the police understand what is causing the high level of offending or problems in hotspots and coming up with specific solutions in conjunction with other partners, allows the police the drive the crime down.

The police can also reduce the crime by having a very good relationship with the citizens and have them cooperate with the forces. By treating people equally, making fair decisions, explaining them keenly and being respectful makes work easier for the police in maintaining law and order where they encourage people to cooperate with them and not break the law. However, the big question still stands, who stops people from offending? The best way to reduce crime is to exercise fairness and at the same time target resources as per the analysis of the problem at hand.


Jayewardene, C. H. S. (1993). What Works in Policing? Canadian Journal of Criminology, 35(3), 387-388.

Bayley, D. H. (1998). What works in policing. Oxford University Press, USA.

Gulasekaram, P. (2005). Policing the Border Between Trademarks and Free Speech: Protecting Unauthorized Trademark Use in Expressive Works. Wash. L. Rev., 80, 887.

Cordner, G. W., & Hale, D. C. (1992). What works in policing. Operations and Administration Examined. Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson Publishing Co. Download Full Essay Show full preview


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