Writing Tools example

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Writing Tools

While discussing writing restructures consciousness, Walter J. Ong (1936) has referred to the new world of autonomous discourse. He has claimed that in the case of deeper understanding of the pristine or primary orality, there is an option of better understanding of the new world of writing as well as the core aspects of being the literate human beings.

Additional emphasis was put on the fact that writing is an external and alien technology, which has contributed shaping and empowerment of the intellectual activity of the modern people, even while taking into account that it was rather late development within the history of humanity. Author has referred to the history in terms of existence of the set of various scripts and only one alphabet, since complex antecedents are inherent to all scripts as the lion share of scripts refers in direct or indirect manner to the picture writing or use of tokens. Finally, some other factors, which make their contributions to the writing restructures consciousness, have been addressed – starting from dynamics of textuality and involving the tenaciousness of morality. While addressing the stages of literacy technology, Dennis Baron has claimed that the set of the similar stages has been passed by communication technologies of all eras - whether classical or innovative. After invention of each particular technology, its spread mainly depends on the function, accessibility as well as on its authentication

While referring to the innovative computer technology, it was claimed by the author that it is going to go away. The way the literacy practices would be eventually altered by the computer, would become obvious within the nearest future. This statement was supported by the fact that thousand years were needed to spread the effects of writing as well as several hundred years were needed to change the printing press. Even while taking into account the fact that the rapid change of the computer technologies’ development is significantly greater, the time for making significant speculating regarding this issue has not already come (Baron 1).

Works Cited

Baron, D. From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technology. 2012 Ong, W.J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London and New York. 1936. …

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