A Significant Moment in My Life example

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A Significant Moment in My Life

When I was eleven years old, my brother was diagnosed with cancer. When we found out, it felt as though a big invisible monster had settled into our home, hiding behind every corner, threatening us with the promise of death. My brother’s diagnosis was one of the defining moments in my life which made me who I am today.

Back then I did not know much about the different types and stages of cancer. I did not know what chemotherapy was, or that young people could die. I was a happy, carefree child. My brother and I played together and shared secrets. The day before the test results came back we had fought about who would be the ruler of our pillow fort. I was angry because he had overpowered me and announced himself the king.

The next day we heard the news, and our lives changed forever. The mood at home was strained and our daily routines plunged into chaos. For the next few months, our schedules were rearranged to fit around my brother’s doctor’s appointments. He was very sick from the treatment. In those days I spent all my time thinking about him and worrying about death. It seemed so unfair that someone so young could be suffering so much. At the same time, I could not let my fear show, because we were all putting on a brave face.

My brother’s struggle with cancer caused me to face the harsher realities of life at a young age. His struggles taught me to value my life and health. I became more selfless because his sickness meant that all my parents’ attention was devoted to him. My brother was my hero growing up and his battle with cancer made me a better …

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