Business System Analysis example

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Business System Analysis


In any business solution, the most important stage remains to be the one of requirements gathering. The headspace case is a bit complex and for this reason, the requirements gathering ought to be right if an amicable business solution is to be availed. The complexity lies in the fact that it demands for a solution that captures qualitative data, though there is still a need for quantitative data too. The description at hand focuses on describing the process from a business analyst point of view.

The business analyst may only deliver a good solution after understating the sponsor’s requirements and later implementing these requirements using the available technology only limited to the sponsor’s budgetary allocation. The sponsor, headspace organization, works with the youths experiencing mental ill health. The target group is that between the 12 and 25 years of age. According to the sponsor, the main challenge remains to be that of capturing each individual youth’s narrative from when it is first told, going forward. As a business systems analyst, there are many ways in which the management systems technology can be used to effectively solve the sponsor’s problem. However, the sponsor has already identified a desired solution to be a cloud-based mobile application. The specifics of how that can be applicable in the case in question are explained in the ensuing paragraphs:

Cloud-Based Mobile Application

As earlier mentioned, qualitative data is more complex in terms of capture and subsequent handling, hence the data capture technique must be carefully selected (O’Brien, 2003, p 151-2). O’Brien tethers the complexity of the data to its dynamic nature. The data the sponsor seeks is dynamic in nature, in that, no one narrative from the targeted youths will ever be the same. The diversity of the narratives requires a creative data capture technique (Fangming and Peng, 2013 p 2-3). Several creative solutions can be crafted and they may all lead towards desirable data capture technique. First, the cloud-based solution ought to rely on a set of questions that all the youths will be asked right from the first psychologist, psychiatrist or any other practitioner they meet to the last.

Their responses will then be hosted on a cloud repository and the all practitioners apart from the first; will have access to all the narratives of an individual mental patient right from the beginning. The other option may be that which lets the individual youths continually post the data through the cloud-based mobile application to the online repository. The practitioners handling the youths will then access the entire dataset relating to the specific youth while they deal with the individual youth. However, the above implementation has loopholes that need redress; otherwise, they provide a great deal of business risks. The business risks majorly arise from the solutions crafted by the sponsor. First, the set of questions used during the assessment stage of each individual youth, ought to be encompassing. Assessment …

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