Healthcare Ethics Assignment and Article Summary example

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Healthcare Ethics Assignment and Article Summary

Article Summary

The article explores the concept of healthcare justice using a capabilities approach. Hoyos, Monteón and Altamirano-Bustamante (2015) conducted an empirical analysis of the concept of based on the views of healthcare professionals. They found out that there exists the issue of neglected justice in the relationship between patients and physicians. According to the researchers, consistent dialogue between patients and their physicians is one of the conditions that makes it possible for justice to exist in a healthcare setting. During their interviews, they discovered that most of the respondents were unable to engage in open dialogue with their patients when administrating treatment. Consequently, they suggest that continued dialogue between physicians and their patients is a sure approach towards promoting fairness in the delivery of healthcare services. They also note that the spirit of constant dialogue is what should guide a physician's ethical discernment.

Does the article discuss justice in terms of procedural or distributive justice?

The article discuses justice in terms of distributive justice because it explores how healthcare professionals can promote fairness in access to healthcare services regardless of differences in economic status. The researchers consider two issues when discussing the topic of justice in healthcare ethics. First, they analyze the perceptions of Mexican healthcare professionals regarding justice. Second, they discuss the notion of justice using the capabilities perspective (Hoyos, Monteón & Altamirano-Bustamante, 2015). All these issues relate to the idea of economic justice and what form of fairness patients receive ranging from services to attention.

How is justice defined?

The article defines justice as the non-discrimination delivery of healthcare services. The researchers go further to introduce the concept of necessity justice to include respect for people receiving healthcare services. The respect discussed in the articles relates to the values, beliefs and way of life of the patients. According to Hoyos, Monteón and Altamirano-Bustamante (2015), it is important that healthcare providers engage patients in making decisions about healthcare choices that will affect their health. The rationale is that health can best be fair in terms of distribution if it also gives individuals the freedom to make healthcare choices as an entitlement rather than the system imposing it to them as an obligation.

What will be the impact of the issues found in the article on the healthcare industry?

The issue of poor physician-patient relationship limits the ability of healthcare providers to promote justice. The lack of dialogue may result in patients refusing treatment and even make bad decisions because they lack objective information that resonates with their values. Additionally, there will arise dilemmas in healthcare practice. For instance, doctors face the dilemma on whether to consult their patients or make an individual decision to transfuse the patient (Hoyos, Monteón & Altamirano-Bustamante, 2015). Therefore, it is important that healthcare providers get trained on how they can identify shared values, point out differences and negotiate with patients accordingly.

What changes can be made to ensure justice for the persons or groups involved in the article?

The article mentions that there exists a …

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