Leadership and Management Assignment example

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Leadership and Management Assignment

Write and reflect:

Our focus this week is on leadership. However, the tutorial is less concerned with organizational leadership (big picture, vision, strategy etc). Instead, think about the leadership of small groups/teams within an
organization. What are the practical challenges of leading this sort of multicultural team? Draw from theories and models of culture and leadership from this course (and others) that you find useful to understand the nature
of leadership. You need to consider the nature of groups/teams of (gap year) students from different cultures and who will be visiting various different countries in your analysis.

Managers are required in dealing with the friction, challenges, and some misunderstandings stemming from the differences in intercultural communication. The successful management in an environment that is modern
one and it demands a cross-cultural competency. With a goal to get the best of the multicultural team, and leading this team, a distinct skill set is necessary. Being modifying and mindful of the leadership style is the
success key (Mead, 2000). It will be important to communicate with the team face-to-face. There is nothing that may replace a communication face-to-face, allowing a person to read a body language, and assessing the
understanding levels, building the relationships. An own cultural profile must be clear. When a person is clear on the cultural profile and the way it influences its work, the communication style, actions, and feelings, it
is possible to direct a team. Such authentic approach to the own identity in a culture may help to improve a performance for the team and a person as well. Cultural differences that create some obstacles to the effective
teamwork, with the multicultural teams especially are evident. The challenge in a dealing with such teams in a successful way is to identify the cultural original causes of the conflict.

Intervening only when it would be necessary, and getting the team that is back on track, enabling and empowering them to deal with their own future challenges (Adair, 2013). Achieving a cohesion of the team sharing the vision that means an encouraging dialogue and the communication. It requires time, being highly recommended that a person would invest that time into a finding out more information on the team members and their national influences as well as their behavior and the values. Trust is built over the time and with each action. It is important also to walk a mile in the shoes of partners. As a leader who is an effective one, a
person needs to be able to understand truly the perspective of a team. Regular check-in with the team members, listening to see the situations that are happening with them, their development and assignment. It would be
great to state the rules of the game. Roles and rules have to be understood and set by everyone. The game rules have to …

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