Leadership Case Study example

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Leadership Case Study

This paper critically analyzes the case study written by Weil and Reddin (2015) describing implementation of new approach to healthcare entity governance - Transformation by Design change at Providence Healthcare. The focus is made on the leadership theories and practices that Josie Walsh applied during the shift towards more efficient organizational structure and culture.

Question 1

It is necessary to state that Walsh succeeded to transform the healthcare services delivery at Providence Healthcare relying upon innovative solutions. They included appeal to conventional thinking as well as constructing sector-wide bridges benefiting patients and their families. Providence Healthcare is a Toronto leader in rehabilitation. However, the success in transformation of its operational efficiency was possible through partnering with community care access centers, Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network, and four acute care hospitals. The collaboration allows improving system-wide patient flow. Providence's Transformation by Design model implementation was possible due to engaging main stakeholders to have an active position in changes required. Measurable, positive results in patient flow improvement are the confirmation of the right direction of changes that took place in this medical organization.

Josie Walsh approach to implementing change can be described as the “Model the Way” indicated by Kouzes and Posner (2008). It implies clarifying values by finding the leader’s voice and affirming values that are shared by organization’s team. Moreover, it includes setting the example by aligning those shared values with actions. Thus, the steps that were taken to make Providence Healthcare the catalyst for change were the following. First of all, Walsh decided to shift from front-line nursing to health-care management. She understood that the change is needed to be done on the system level, and the only change related to the staff nurse practices would not have the needed outcome. The Walsh’s fundamental thought is to not wait until crisis in any field of organizational operations. It is important to articulate where the organization is going and transform those desires into the practical step-by-step deeds. It should be stated that Walsh perceived nurse-led collaborative care was a well-functioning model in healthcare systems. Nurses possess a key role in enhancing symptom- and self-management skills as well as managing patients’ conditions. However, nothing of the above mentioned can be observed in practice until the effective team will be created with a clear vision of their roles and future prospects.

In analyzing the steps taken by Josie Walsh, it is useful to apply accelerated 8-step process for leading change. According to Kotter International (2016) these steps starting from developing and articulating the significant opportunity as the way how to excite people to follow the change in their organization include:

Creating the urgency sense;

Building the guided coalition;

Creating a strategic vision and the needed initiatives;

Selecting volunteers;

Facilitating actions by removing barriers;

Reaching the short-term goals and celebrating small victories;

Promoting further acceleration;

Emphasizing the change implemented.

In the analyzed case study by applying this approach Josie Walsh analyzed that the first issues that …

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