Management Conflicts
Many people encounter different complicated situations that involve conflicts or disputes at work. Such unpleasant occasions are known to occur among project teams as well, distracting or averting the workers from doing their job effectively.
What conflicts existed and why?
Based on the video, I would say that the project manager was very harsh and too rude to his employees. He gave them direct orders without paying attention to their problems and desires. By forcing his employees, the efficiency of the team significantly reduced.
What preventive measures could have been taken by the project team members to reduce the conflicts? by the project manager?
The project team members could have reduced the conflicts by offering to substitute the man who needed to leave in order to celebrate his first wedding anniversary. The project manager could have been a little bit nicer and more polite to his employees. He could have tried to find a way that would satisfy both of the sides. What other ways could the work have been managed based on the project delays and customer dissatisfaction?I want to mention that the tasks were not distributed rationally. I noticed that one of the workers was waiting for the other two to finish their tasks. It is likely that this could be the reason why the project was delayed for three times (Mervyn, 2015). I feel that the manager needed to split the job equally among the workers. Moreover, I think that he should have assistedthem throughout that day instead of simply telling them what to do because it was in his intereststo finish the task before the deadline.
If you were taking over for this project manager (who was reassigned to another department), what would you do to rebuild the team?
In order to rebuild the team, I would invite its members to talk over any propositions regarding their work. I would use collaboration and compromise techniques in order to reach a mutual agreement that would satisfy each of the sides (Ohlendorf, 2015).
In conclusion, conflicts represent an inseparable part of most people’s everyday life. What concerns the case, the above mentioned reveals my opinion concerning the manager’s mistakes and my suggestions on how to rebuild the team.
Mervyn, C. (2015, August 2). A workplace conflict. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Ohlendorf, A. (2015). Conflict resolution in project management. Retrieved from