Miller Park Baseball Stadium example

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Miller Park Baseball Stadium

The poor cost management of the Millar Park project, when it began, shows that it exhibited poor project management practices. Cost management is an essential aspect of project management. The appropriate costs of all the requirements of a project should be correctly estimated before any project begins (Kerzner, 2013). In the case of Millar Park project, the project managers made a poor estimate of the costs. The managers estimated that the project would cost $300 million. However, the local taxpayers had to pay $92 million more than what the managers anticipated. The error in estimation of cost is an example of poor project management. Most of the project management practices of the Miller Park project prove successful. Some of the practices that show ideal situations of project management are Quality Management and Human Resource Management. The quality planning control measures were appropriate as the project team worked completion date of the project, possibly at all cost (Lee, 2009).

The high quality of the project is evident by the high- profile events the stadium host and the large number of tickets that are sold for these events. The project managers also considered several factors such as the unreliable weather of Wisconsin in the planning of the project. The construction team and sub- contractors implemented standard construction guidelines, quality management plans and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Williams, 2005). Most of the construction firms and sub- contractors met economic, gender, and racial diversity standards. Communication is a crucial aspect in project management. During the Millar Park project, the project team showed significant success during the development phase in managing and directing project execution (Williams, 2005). Specifically, the project team showed effectiveness in integrating human resources and communication project management processes.

During the project, there were thousands of workers and stakeholders to communicate with, including the media, thousands of workers, Miller Brewing Company officials, and government and state officials (Williams, 2005). This presented tremendous challenges for the project team. However, the team developed a communications plan that integrated well into the much needed human resource processes. Despite the success in the communication process, the project team exhibited some failure in risk management. The major signs of pending disasters during the Miller Park project was the poor risk management practices. Despite several aspects of risk management during in the project being efficient, some aspects of risk management were inappropriate. For instance, the project managers did not document any identified risk that was associated with the failure of roof parts (Williams, 2005). In another instance, the suspended personal platforms of three iron- workers were struck by the collapsing heavy- lift crane on July 14th, 1999 causing them to fall approximately 300 feet to the ground (Lee, 2009). The iron- workers were monitoring the hoisting of a roof section. The crane, known as “Big Blue” was lifting a section of the stadium roof which weighed over 450 tons (Lee, 2009).

This accident can be attributed to …

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