Political Parties Writing Assignment example

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Political Parties Writing Assignment

Many Of The World’s Nations Have Multiparty Political Systems. Discuss The Reasons Why The United States Has A Two-party System. Is The Two-party System Best For Our Country Or Should We Encourage The Development Of A Multi-party System? Why Or Why Not?

The United States has a two-party system mostly based on the tradition of always having a two-party system. Independents emerge bringing a great personality name that can attract many votes, as did Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. Independents might also bring an ideal, help a minority, but the struggle to win on a pre-set environment is too hard. Even if hated by the founders of America, political parties are needed to organize the campaign, to present candidates and to serve as a link between the ordinary citizen and the government. Without them there would be a lack of order on the political scene. There would be chaos before every election to chose who would be the candidates.

Political parties work all year around, gathering more voters and donations. But besides the most engaged members of the parties, upon joining a political party, nothing changes. When politics are discussed at home, parents tend to pass on their children their political views, ideology, and to what party they are voters, maintaining the two-party system. For some European countries, to join a party is something serious, that implicates on fees and even a membership card to carry in the wallet.It creates a strong relation of duty with the party, while there is no obligation for American voters.

China offers a different view of political parties, there, in order to get ahead in life you must join the party, regardless of your personal feeling regarding the ideology and principles the party stands for. As for the United States, people usually belong to a political party because they agree with many of its main ideas and support some of its candidates. Traditionally, people join Republicans or Democrats because they like to join likeminded others who believe in the same ideals, for material incentives and benefits, personal and career advancement.

The two-party system is not the best party system for the United States. It is obsolete as it is now. A multi-party system would be ideal to absorb voters disappointed with Republicans and Democrats. New ideologies should arise and be allowed to thrive. There is a growing feeling that neither Republicans or Democrats represent voters, These are the ones who rather stay at home than vote. A multi-party system would bring those uninterested citizens to take action and feel really represented by the parties they join, becoming …

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