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Healthcare Practice Paper

A lot of professionals in health-care sphere declare that they are employing an evidence-based practice. Many practices are based on traditions. The studies that were conducted showed that the nurses were demonstrating a positive attitude according to evidence-based practice. They believed in the value reporting that an engaging of it led to the satisfaction in the profession. However, there were some barriers that included a workload that was heavy enough, lack of the support and time from the senior management and research gaining access difficulty
(International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2013).

It is important to note that nursing assistance is expressed also in attitude to different kinds of diseases, such as pressure ulcers as well. These localized skin injuries and underlying tissue have a bony prominence and are caused by the pressure and a shear. The residents of the nursing homes are vulnerable because of the development of the pressure ulcers and their reduced activity, limitations in the mobility and increased age. Low
compliance with the guidelines on the ulcer prevention was indicated and revealed. The prevalence of the pressure ulcer overall in the nursing homes is ranged from 8 % to 29%, talking about Europe and 11% in the United States of America. The studies that were conducted revealed the positive attitude according to a health care in hospital and municipal institutions as well. These investigations were carried in the hospital settings, but
the knowledge evidence and an attitude of nurses that were conducted in the nursing homes were scarce (Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2013).

Also, a quality improvement was provided in the systematic process that was used by the systems of the health-care for analyzing a data that existed improving the outcomes and the process for the population of specific patients. The research had a purpose to generate new knowledge and evidence-based practice having an approach on problem-solving process. The health care integrated the evidence that was the best from of the rigorous research combining it with the expertise of clinics including an internal evidence from the assessment of the patient and the data that was gathered in the system of healthcare. The final step in the evidence-based practice was a dissemination of the evidence that the other people could benefit from. This practice uses an external evidence that is generated from the rigorous research as well as internal evidence that was generated by healthcare system integrating such evidence with a clinical expertise and the preferences of the patients or the values to make the decisions that would be best informed on the practice change type that could be executed (Vaida, 2017). To achieve important goals in public health on reducing and preventing of the mortality and morbidity, people must use the effective public health programs that are based on population, as well as policies and services for the diverse population range. The study that was conducted demonstrated …

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