Solidify Fieldwork Site Research Questions Template
The first question to be discussed is which organs of human body suffer the most from the harmful effects of sugar consumption. It’s effectiveness lies in the opportunity to identify which parts of body are most targeted and widen the range of consequences excessive sugar eating may bring. This question is important for the research, because it allows to show the harm done, which brings at least three benefits. Firstly, it is more information and therefore better methods to cure diseases such as diabetes. Secondly, it helps to make people to better understand the harm done, and raises the chances of them to decrease sugar consumption. Thirdly, the better effort is put in researching the areas of human body affected by sugar, the more ways to substitute sugar will be invented. Which is a huge step in solving the problem.
The second question to be concerned of, is about the factors which cause people to eat too much sugar. It may be helpful to identify the reasons, and thus the characteristics of people who do so. Getting to know statistical data of this sort may uncover more ways to actually get rid of the problem. The characteristics such as gender, age, social status, income, fields of work may drastically help to understand why people consume unhealthy amounts of sugar, and come up with more compelling arguments against it. It is also really important to know the rations of people to better make up a conclusions about why the are eating so much sugar.
Both of abovementioned are providing great starting points for the research. They assist in the cause of better understanding the problem as well as allow to continue the …