The Research Process in Nursing example

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The Research Process in Nursing


The importance of research in the nursing process is determined by the necessity of improvement of a quality of a medical care and nursing specialists. The research gives the definition of the research process in nursing, finds out its stages, identifies main priorities, types, and those performing the research. The development and improvement of previous and current experience in the nursing process in connection with knowledge play an important role for the effectiveness of this discipline.

The Research Process in Nursing

The improvement of a quality of a medical care depends on a level of competence and a professional development of nursing specialists. One of the important tasks of nursing is the achievement of the highest effectiveness and quality of a medical care. The realization of this task requires scientific knowledge. Nursing research process has an impact on a current and future nursing practice. In today’s world it requires high quality of education that corresponds to contemporary requirements to the nursing study. According to Gerrish and Lathlean (2015), research in nursing provides new issues, particularly, improvement, development, and testing the effectiveness of methods of care. The importance of research is determined by the necessity of processing and analyses of nursing practice aimed to the growth of the quality of a medical care for population, and the recognition of uniqueness of a nursing profession.

International Council of Nurses (ICN) gives the definition to nursing research as a systematic enquiry connected with the search of new knowledge that can be used for the benefits of patients, prevention of illness, a medical care of people, and promotion of health (Burns, Grove, & Gray, 2011). This process includes a number of steps for providing the research. Gerrish and Lathlean (2015) underline several stages of the research process, particularly, developing the research question, searching and reviewing the literature, selecting the methodology and the way of analyses, preparing a research suggestion, getting access to data sampling, pilot studying, collecting the data, analyzing, disseminating, and implementing the results of the research. It is obvious that research in nursing is a complicated process requiring a serious approach for getting the desired results in this field.

Research helps to increase the known facts, and the discovery of new ones helps achieving necessary quality of health care (Gelling, 2014). The ICN identifies the priorities for nursing research in two areas, particularly, health and illness. These priorities are based on the promotion of health, prevention of illness, symptoms’ control, life during the chronic conditions, caring, monitoring, and assessing patient’s problems, providing, testing, and measuring the nursing care (Gerrish & Lathlean, 2015). Moreover, Gerrish and Lathlean (2015) point that the priorities are focused on the quality and effectiveness of care, evidence based practice, the peculiarities of work life of a nurse, and financing the healthcare system. The right choice of the priorities depends on the necessities and goals of research, thus helping to increase knowledge and prepare …

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