10 Paraphrase Examples For Your Academic Needs

Greetings everyone! I’ll provide you with 10 paraphrase examples for your reference. Never fear, for I will also teach you how to paraphrase a text for your academic papers.
Speaking of which, I vaguely remember my teacher telling the class to paraphrase to make everything… fresh (phrase). Anyway, let’s embark on a journey to the realm of knowledge!
What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is defined as:
- Taking someone’s idea or statements without crediting the original source/ author.
Plagiarism is counted as academic dishonesty in the school setting. From my experience, the topic of plagiarism is often tackled when discussing research ethics, or any subject that involves research. My teacher would also include paraphrase examples to gain an insight about paraphrasing texts.
- Citation styles such as APA or MLA are also taught in the classroom.
What Is Paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing involves:
- Rewriting or restructuring an author’s text in your own words or style.
From my experience, paraphrasing makes my paper “easier” to understand by my readers. It is admittedly tricky to paraphrase difficult texts. In this case, I usually try to make it reader-friendly while retaining the meaning of the text.
How to Paraphrase?
1Read and Understand!
- You can’t paraphrase a text you don’t comprehend. Be sure to understand it before paraphrasing it.
- You may opt to take down notes or highlight certain words.
2Change the Words or Sentence Structure
- You have a different way of expressing your ideas.
- Change the words to suit your writing style or preferences.
- Don’t forget to consult your thesaurus! This would be your best friend!
- You can substitute easier words in place of the difficult ones.
Take note: Ask yourself: How would you phrase his or her text if you were the one who wrote it?
3Check and Edit!
- Purdue OWL advises checking the accuracy of your paraphrased text with the original.
- Don’t forget to add the parenthetical citation of your source!
- Edit your text if you see any mistakes.
Yay! You now have your own paraphrased text! Keep it up!
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Learn More10 Paraphrase Examples
You may want to practice or hone your paraphrasing skills with these texts, or you can simply search for more paraphrase examples online.
Example of a paraphrase #1:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
According to Vladimir Lenin (1895), fines are enforced by the employers to the employees to subject them to discipline. He clarifies that fines are not meant to pay for damages. It means that while working, the laborers must be in servitude to their employers by following his commands (Lenin, 1895).
Example of a paraphrase #2:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
Alexis De Tocqueville (1840) concludes that America is similar to other countries because the subject of philosophy is tackled at a minimum. To him, he believes that the application of Descartes’ principles in the said country is appropriate (Tocqueville, 1840).
Example of a paraphrase #3:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
Lenin (1895) laments that the laborers have had enough of the suffering they have endured from their employers. Hence, they decide to halt their work. Then, the laborers retaliated to their employers by destroying the factory’s facilities and machines. The workers also tend to assault the staff set the factory and its equipment ablaze (Lenin, 1895).
Example of a paraphrase #4:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
According to Tocqueville (1831), states cannot simply stop the power of the majority because the crux of a democratic system lies within the sovereign hands of the people.
Example of a paraphrase #5:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
Tocqueville (1831) noticed that the 13 colonies of America share the same customs, language, laws, and religion. The said colonies also faced against the English, their mutual foe. Given these factors, it was enough for these colonies to band together in their battle against England, and to unify themselves as one (Tocqueville, 1831).
Example of a paraphrase #6:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
For John Stuart Mill (1859), freedom is when individuals do what is right in their own manner while preventing themselves from infringing on other people’s freedom, or even in their own pursuit to attain freedom. Mill (1859) believes that human beings are the sole keepers of their own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Example of a paraphrase #7:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
According to Machiavelli (1532/2006), republics or principalities are states in which people are subject to their authority.
Example of a paraphrase #8:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
In a prince’s state, he is required to choose wise men as noted by Machiavelli (1532/2006). The men he will choose are granted the right to be truthful to him. The prince also gives them the freedom to answer what the prince asks of them. Moreover, he can also ask questions to his men about anything and everything. The prince, in turn, will listen to their answers. Then, he will arrive at his own judgment after hearing their viewpoints (Machiavelli, 1532/2006).
Example of a paraphrase #9:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
According to Machiavelli (1532/2006), a prince is expected to follow rules. He must not be idle at times of peace. He must also be productive. Further, the prince is tasked to produce more resources in case of a catastrophe. That way, he will be ready if ever a tragedy befalls upon him. For Machiavelli (1532/2005), these are the qualities of a wise prince.
Example of a paraphrase #10:
Original text:
Paraphrased text:
Communism is not, per se, simply putting an end to property ownership (Marx & Engels, 1848). In fact, Marx and Engels (1848) believe that communism’s distinctive trait is ending privately owned property.
Yahoo! You have reached the end of my guide. You may reflect on the following questions:
- What is/are your institution’s rules about plagiarism?
- Have you ever witnessed a student or your own classmate plagiarizing his or her paper?
- What did your school do about it?
It takes practice and (a lot of) time to paraphrase a text. Just keep practicing and looking for more paraphrase examples! This is an important skill to hone because I know you will write countless essays in school.
Keep up the good work and don’t forget to take a break.

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